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Burrowing Theraphosid Tarantula

The Mysterious Connection Between Frogs and Tarantulas

The Dotted Humming Frog and the Burrowing Tarantula

Researchers have discovered a fascinating association between the Dotted humming frog (Chiasmocleis ventrimaculata) and the burrowing theraphosid tarantula (Xenesthis spp.). These two species are often found in close proximity, and there is evidence to suggest that they may even benefit from each other's presence.

Tarantula Burrows Provide Shelter for Frogs

Tarantula burrows provide a safe and humid environment for frogs, which are vulnerable to desiccation. The burrows can also offer protection from predators and from the elements.

Frogs Attract Prey for Tarantulas

Frogs are often attracted to tarantula burrows because they are a source of food. Tarantulas prey on insects, and frogs are a common target. By attracting frogs, the tarantula increases its chances of capturing prey.

Mutual Benefits

This relationship is beneficial to both species. The frogs gain a safe and humid environment, while the tarantula gains access to a source of food. This type of relationship is known as commensalism, where one species benefits from the presence of another without harming it.


The relationship between the Dotted humming frog and the burrowing tarantula is a fascinating example of how different species can interact in the wild. This relationship is beneficial to both species, and it helps to maintain the delicate balance of the ecosystem.
